This has certainly been an interesting summer for dance music. You have Kelly Rowland/David Guetta (and i gotta tell ya, I'm so fuckin over Guetta. His ugly "sell out, no talent ass" be all up in everyones vagina!) have bounced out a few dance (ish) tunes over the last 6 months ...of which the only one I really like is Commander, and even it's getting old fast. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Kelly...she's so "Mary Wilson" circa 1969 when Diana Ross left the Supremes in what we now know as a very BeyoncaWhore moment....poor thing she's fabulous and she has an "ok" solo career ....but ya know....very Mary Wilson.
And then of course we have the Ex Mrs Nas ...."My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" Kelis with her new Album "Fleshtone" being somewhat of a complete departure from her Milkshake days in some ways ....but in others not so much, the songs "Scream", "Emancipate" and "Song for the Baby" all reach back to some of Kelis's roots but with a remixed "very gay bar" electronic feel. I for one LOVE ME some Kelis and couldn't wait for "Fleshtone" to hit iTunes...and I must say, for me it totally lived up to the promotion efforts and claims of fabulousness.....she's fierce...strong...independent ghetto black girl ...who knows how to make the gays dance ...and keep coming back for more. She get's my vote every time! She said making "Fleshtone" was a very Freeing event in her life...and that translates into the experience I've had listening to the album.
And last...but certainly not least is the "Diva o Gay" Ms Kylie Minogue....what can i say other than I LOVE THIS BITCH so much. Much like Kelis for sure (Kelly is in question based on some comments i've see over the years) Kylie loves her some gays...and we love her! She has style, grace, fabulousness and a fierce body all wrapped into one little diva package. Through her battles with cancer, she stayed strong and has come back in a big way. But sadly for Kylie (other than us gays) her audience is really Euro and not so much US.....but I think this album might help change that...I know...i know...she's had huge hits in the US...BUT....let's face it most people NOT FABULOUS ENOUGH to be GAY couldn't pick her out of a line up at the popo stop and they would certainly know Kelly & Kelis first .....I just downloaded the new album today actually....of course I had already heard a few of the tracks online and in the clubs.. and really loved them...but now.....omg...we are loving this LP and we are loving the new LP format from iTunes of which "Aphrodite" was one of the first to get this new iTunes treatment.Another one that ALWAYS GETS MY VOTE!
So....the real question a GAY DEATH MATCH...who would come out on top as the "Next Hot Shit Gay Disco Diva" ????????
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