Well yes..because we are all out trying to recruit your children into the "ways of the gays" WTF?
This bitch honestly thinks that the gay community has a "hidden agenda" to recruit the children, so in the words of the great Antonine Dodson: "so y'all need to hide ya kids, hide ya wife and hide ya husband" you better go through those book bags and make sure you look closely cause we are some sneaky MFer's be on the look out for "the most recent edition of the Advocate, dildo's, poppers, lube, diagrams, the map to our private compound, condoms, bareback dvds and that scrap of paper they wrote their Adam4Adam password on" GOOD LORD YOU STUPID BITCH....FOR REAL....So DUMB..SO DUMB.
Your right bitch...we are on a "Mission" ...a mission for our RIGHTS...plain and simple. And if along the way your precious children happen to find out that we are normal people who just happen to have "same sex partners" maybe they won't be a close minded freak like you and your friends. It's fine for you to have your own feelings and it's even fine for you not to accept us, but it's not right for you to say that an "anti-bully" program was some grand scheme developed by the gays! It's called "tolerance" honey and you need a big ole glass of it!
Same sex couples with or without children are normal and I'm so sorry if your "Christian Values" get in the way of you seeing that! I would love for you to explain to me how diversity training will hurt your kids? Gay youth along with any children of color, children with disabilities and from other countries are bulled DAILY in the US and it's NOT ACCEPTABLE and shouldn't be tolerated....thus maybe it is time for your "all american blond haired blue eyed children with Christian Values" to get some diversity training...ya think? These bullied children live a life of "fear" and it ruins their young life and jades their view of others....is this ok under your "Christian Values"? How would your god feel about that? Will he "check your ass at the pearly gates" for your part in the hate that Focus on the Family spreads daily?
And please stop calling the gay community a "Political Sub-Group" ....we are GAY plain and simple, we just want our "god given right" to love our partners and our "Constitutional Rights" like you and your bible buddies....(oh and some of us our just as religious as you are...just not blind and narrow minded like yourself)
No one (other than you) is making this a "Sexualized" issue...it's just who we are, we are not promoting recruitment of your children honey....they make it out of the closet just fine on their own....and to bad we are the ones standing outside that closet door to comfort, love and understand what they are going through since parents like you would and do "write them off as DEAD n GONE!"
-J at The Tea-
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